New year new beginning?

Hello everyone,

Thank you for all the love and appreciation given. I did get around a 100 views and 4 likes for my first post, though it’s not a big deal it means a lot to me. 

Life is the most precious thing every living being is born with, it’s not something which is constant but one which keeps changing and that’s the most important part.

But the so called change is in our hand. One’s life becomes successful when we can control this phenomenon to mold it with a positive charge. 

“Don’t live the same year 75 times and call it a life”. ~ Robin Sharma

This quote has been struck with me for quite a long time. Being normal has become too mainstream in the current era and basically most of our life has become robotic doing what we are functioned to do. People who breaks apart from their comfort zone and takes risks to go beyond the normal are very less.

So if you want to break away from this normal life and do what you liked to do the most,  I say take risks because the satisfaction you get once you achieve those goals is immeasurable. It’s better to do things you love and fail a thousand times rather than doing something halfheartedly.

I’ve not made any particular resolutions this year. All I want to do is to follow my heart and do what I love to do. And blogging is one of those things which makes me happy.

Finally to end this post i want to say “we are all stories in the end. Just make it a good one“. 

and also a Happy New year.




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